ESSIAC- 4 Famous Tincture Cancer Modality 1 oz

The Secrets of Eden

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Product Overview

The Secrets of Eden's

Essiac Tincture
Enough for 30 cups of tea

one oz tincture.

Still only $19.99


Or use it sublingually a few drops under the tongue.

(Essiac Tincture is a blend of the following herbs:  Burdock, Sheep sorrel, Slippery elm, Turkey rhubarb)


"The results we obtained with thousands of patients of various races, sexes and ages, with all types of cancer definitely proves Essiac to be a cure for cancer. Studies done in laboratories in the United States and Canada also fortify this claim." Dr. Charles A. Brusch M.D.

The original developer of Essiac, Rene Caisse, in defiance of the authorities, reportedly successfully treated thousands of terminal cancer victims for more than 50 years, yet she never charged for her services and never tried to make a profit from her remarkable discovery. That alone should give rise to serious interest. Rene was offered huge sums of money just to divulge the formula, but always refused.

The formula, involving the combining of 5 herbs, is now known and The Secrets of Eden makes it available as an affordable tincture. Originally Rene did her formula in conjunction with a sympathetic physician via hypodermic injections and tea made as an infusion using boiling water. In our opinion, the tincture is possibly more effective as the process of extracting the resin within the herbs is not done with heat which we believe could be damaging to the enzymatic character of the individual herbs.

Pressure from the medical, governmental, and legal world was so intense on Rene that she was forced to operate underground for a good period of time and even the name Essiac is a code name derived from the reverse spelling of Rene Caisse's last name.

The formula actually originated with an "Ojibwa Indian medicine man." He claimed that the herbal mix was an "holy drink" that would purify the body and put you back in "balance with the great spirit."

In time, of course the "medicrats" sometimes referred to as the league of white-coat Nazis, tried to prosecute Rene for "practicing medicine without a license." The government (of Canada) even tried to force her to turn the formula over to the Cancer Commission, but she was sure if she did they would never use it and keep it a secret in order to further their profiteering from cancer.

With each purchase of Secrets of Eden's Essiac Tincture we include a packet of historical filings and articles that further document the history of Essiac.

Excerpt from Letter dated October 5, 1983


....The patients who were started on Essiac have at the present time ... in 8 out of 10 patients, there has been significant improvement in their neurological state. ....I am however most impressed with the effectiveness of the treatment and its lack of side effects.

I feel that this method of treatment should be given serious consideration and would benefit from a scientific clinical trial.

Yours sincerely,


E. Bruce Hendrick, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C)

Chief, Division of Neurosurgery. The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Ontario M5G1X8

For an historical look at Essiac and a bit of the struggle Essiac has gone through against the establishment, consider  the following:

(Note:  Before the heavy hand of Big Brother/Big Pharma, the video below was not suppressed and was easily click available on our site - they FEAR Essiac, and seek to make knowledge of it hard to find)

Famous version of a product
 promoted for decades as a Cancer Cure. Power Tincture 1 oz. 


Order NOW $19.99


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  • 5
    ESSIAC - 4

    Posted by Maggie Miller on 8th Mar 2023

    Used this product for years.Since I had breast cancer.

  • 4

    Posted by Shelley Pennachio on 21st Jul 2022

    I've battled melanoma in the past but recently I'm almost certain I was around asbestos. From what I've read this might help with mesothelioma. I am very surprised at how pleasing it tastes when I add it to a cup of hot water.

  • 5
    love this product easily used.

    Posted by john valentine on 2nd Apr 2018

    I like this product because is easy to use easy to measure and no complications whatsoever. Thank you for this great product.

  • 5
    I use it for the immune system.

    Posted by Beatriz on 28th Sep 2015

    I've been taking it for a few months. I had a lung surgery when little and had a sinus and respiratory difficulties ever since. This product is awesome. Has change my life. I,can live a normal life without pain. And without fatigue. Thanks. dr. Cassie.

  • 5
    it works.....

    Posted by irenefk on 25th Aug 2015

    i have a few sun spots that i put a drop of this on it and it disappears, especially where i do not want to use a bandaid. I also have had a malignant melanoma removed years ago so use this under my tongue several times per week to stay cancer free and it sure boost immune system also

  • 5
    Thank you

    Posted by Houtan on 20th Feb 2014

    Thank you for this wonderful natural product. Also, a very big thanks for all the pamphlets about all your other products and what's more is you actually enclosed a great deal of information about this product that I ordered...right in the package. excellent stuff! keep up the good work and great products and the intend to educate the public about what's really being offered and the benefits. LOve Houtan